Peace that Surpasses Understanding
April 28, 2024
Maggie Sholar is a wife, mother, stepmother, and grandmother. After our children were grown, we moved to the lake and finally had a little time to relax BUT…. I felt God was telling me to serve, I was unsure of what that would look like, but the nudge was undeniable. During one of Rev. Chance’s sermons about Moses and the burning bush, my calling was even stronger, and I longed to figure out what to do with it. West Lake Christian Church has helped me discover what it means, and I believe I am falling into the places God wants me to be. I love to help those in need, fight for justice when needed, and show hope and love as much as possible. I am the student minister because I still have a lot to learn and I hope to always continue to learn so that I may walk closer with God.